Synopsis: Oral rehabilitations are complex procedures that demand extensive preplanning, careful analysis of aetiologic factors, and a deep understanding of the boundaries in which you will perform the rehab. It's 2023, and our dental profession still lacks complete certainty regarding the exact relationship between dental occlusion, vertical dimension alterations and TMDs. Nonetheless, our current knowledge allows us to treat patients and modify occlusions in a manner that ensures both comfort and long term stability. We also have a better understanding of when it is appropriate to initiate treatment or when it is advisable to postpone irreversible interventions. During this lecture, we will explore several Red Flags to watch out for when initiating treatments that involve reorganising occlusions, including the “social six”. By understanding the fundamental principles (or "rules of the game" so to speak), you will find great satisfaction in handling such cases.
Learning Outcomes: - Learn to develop the correct mind-set for reorganisational treatments.
- Review the 4 Pillars of a stable occlusion: Joints, Muscles, Teeth, and the Airway.
- Understand the importance of Centric Relation (CR) and adapted CR.
- Review common Red Flags to look out for when embarking on a rehab case.
Learn a basic TMD screening protocol and the "joint load" test
Hosted by NZ Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (NZACD)
Dentsply Sirona
75 France Street South, Eden Terrace
Registrations & Refreshments from 6.30pm Lecture 7.00pm